Zip 96065 (Montgomery Creek, CA) Education


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The education in 96065 Montgomery Creek, CA is quite impressive. The local school district has earned a very high rating, and the schools boast of good teachers and excellent resources for learning. The classrooms are up-to-date with modern technology and the students have access to sports teams, clubs, after-school activities and more. The curriculum includes a wide range of subjects from math and science to art and music, ensuring that students get a well rounded education. Furthermore, the staff is dedicated to providing individualized attention to each student in order to ensure their success. Overall, Montgomery Creek offers an excellent educational environment for its students.

Montgomery Creek (zip 96065) schools spend $14,811 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 0 students per librarian, and 0 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationMontgomery Creek, CaliforniaUnited States